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Building Code Questions- Page 29 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Party wall questions

    Hi, I was curious to know if the drywall for party walls( 1 hour fire separation) are required to be continuous across interior wall framing?For example would the interior wall…

  • Question & Answers

    Under slab sgtrength of EPS Type I rigid foam

    I am building a new house lon a slab and I am specifying EPS foam board around the outside and inside of the stem wall as well as under the…

  • Question & Answers

    Conditioning attic in zone 5

    I'm in a Climate Zone 5 cape cod house with no soffit vents but theres a gable vent on both sides of house. Right now the attic is a conditioned…

  • Question & Answers

    Is new residential construction in CA required to have AC?

    Hello, We are planning the build of a home in Paso Robles CA. Although summer day temps can get over 100 deg, it still will cool down to the 60's…

  • Question & Answers

    Thermal barriers and spray foam

    regarding the requirement of thermal barriers over spray foam insulation in walls - does the barrier need to be in contact with the foam or can there be an air…

  • Question & Answers

    Combustibles clearance BEHIND a fireplace

    Hope this question isn't too far afield of the GBA mission.  I have lots of respect for people who comment here so hoping someone has run into this question before.I'm…

  • Question & Answers

    Rockwool insulation vapor barrier inside chimney?

    This is a story of one thing leading to another. When installing skylights in our living room, which required us to remove the sheetrock & insulation in the vicinity, we…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement – XPS insulation without drywall

    I am in the planning phases of my finishing a basement in a home built in 2014 with poured concrete walls. Located in Indiana, near Chicago, climate zone 5. I…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating roof over framing

    Hi Martin, building a new home with a butterfly roof on one end. Roof is framed and sheeted with plywood. Plans callout for over framing above roof to get enough…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation Between Rafters AND on the Attic Floor

    I am redoing the insulation in my attic, cleaning out all of the old, air sealing, and then putting in new. I live in the Los Angeles area. In my…