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Building Code Questions- Page 28 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Is structural sheathing required on the faces of gable-end trusses?

    All of the walls on the house I'm building are covered by structural SmartSide panels that serve as both sheathing and siding, but (quite a while ago when I had…

  • Question & Answers

    Metal roofing

    My metal roof was installed on 1X2 purlins. All I see on line refers to 1X4 purlins. Do I have a problem? The crew who installed had a multitude of…

  • Question & Answers

    New city code Des Moines Iowa

    Des Moines Iowa is in process of passing new code that will make a single story have min. 1400 sq ft, basement, and a single garage. Two story min. 1800…

  • Question & Answers

    Clearances for Furnace Supply and Exhaust Vents

    I have a two fold question.  I am planning a new deck and the exhaust and return vents for my furnace will be right where the ledger will be.  So…

  • Question & Answers

    Spot HRV distance from openable portion of window

    I am installing some Lunos e2 Spot HRVs in a residence - they alternate between pushing and pulling of air out/in the home. Do I understand correctly that these must…

  • Question & Answers

    Lighting in a crawl space

    I'm planning on installing a Panasonic WhisperCeiling DC, Smartflow 50-80-110 CFM exhaust fan in a conditioned, sealed crawl space to meet the ventilation requirements.Due to this being an appliance (I…

  • Question & Answers

    Frost-protected slab on grade with radiant floor heat

    I'm looking at a slab on grade, using frost protected shallow foundation design and have a concern about incorporating radiant floor heat. IRC 2015 Figure R403.3(1) shows a frost protected…

  • Question & Answers

    Moisture barrier under slab

    I am looking to buy a house that has minimal mold issues.  Are moisture barriers under slabs standard practice (code) and, if so, what year did they become so?  Thank…

  • Question & Answers

    Roof ventilation channel outboard of decking: NBC compliant?

    Context: I'm building a small three-season cottage in southeastern Manitoba (Climate Zone 7A). It is anticipated to get limited if any wintertime use. I've attached an image of the vaulted…

  • Question & Answers

    Canadian Model Codes now available for free

    This is not a question, but I thought folks might be interested to know that the Canadian model codes (Building Code, Energy Code, Plumbing Code, and Fire Code) are (finally)…