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Building Code Questions- Page 27 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Plumbing supply line and electric panel same studbay code issues?

    I have a lot of projects going on, and a contractor to keep up with. I have read so many codes and blogs, but still can't find stuff readily when…

  • Question & Answers

    Wood stove chimney

    I'm having a new home designed with a wood stove in it.  Can I use a Class A double wall insulated pipe as a liner in a masonry (stone) chimney,…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating a low-slope roof in Zone 2b Phoenix?

    I have a building with two low-slope roofs in zone 2B (Phoenix). The original building was built in 1930 out of block (CMU) exterior with no insulation anywhere. It has…

  • Question & Answers

    Crawlspace insulation question

    Hi, hopefully somebody can help.I have 1978 house with a finished basement and i have one small section that's crawlspace, the floors above the crawlspace in winter are cold, very…

  • Question & Answers

    IRC 2018 Foam plastic specific approval (unvented crawl) question

    IRC Unvented crawl space R408.3 2.1 Continuous exhaust of crawl with “an air pathway to the common area” from crawl. This creates negative pressure, but does not seem to be…

  • Question & Answers

    How to block and insulate the space between bottom of the roof sheathing and the top plate?

    My attic has twelve inch rafters that are notched out and sit on a top plate. There are large air gaps between the bottom of the roof sheathing and the…

  • Question & Answers

    How many coats of paint for a vapor retarder

    When the code requires/allows a Class II or III vapor retarder, and we want the wall to "breathe" in both directions, it seems that using a paint or primer with…

  • Question & Answers

    Garage roof assembly

    I have constructed a shop on the back of my main house.  It will NOT be heated or cooled.  The ceiling is a cathedral-style ceiling with 2X6 rafters supported by…

  • Question & Answers

    No foam allowed under drywall

    My Brother and experienced home builder is doing a total energy upgrade and  thorough renovation to a typical 2x4 stud frame Ranch Style house In The eastern panhandle of WV…

  • Question & Answers

    Air handler condensate P-trap installation

    Hi,I have three air handlers in my conditioned attic for my Mitsubishi ducted mini split condenser. Today, I found all three condensate P traps installed askew as shown in the…