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Building Code Questions- Page 24 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Steel Building Home Insulation

    Hello,I have a steel building that I need to add 20R to the ceiling to meet residential code. It already has the standard batting outside of the perlins. The perlins…

  • Question & Answers

    Having trouble understanding when a major remodel/renovation would need to meet current code

    Hello everyone -My name is Scott.  I am a sustainability/PHIUS consultant in Chicago.  My wife and I are looking at purchasing a home and I'm trying to determine when a major…

  • Question & Answers

    Footing size question

    I'm planning an ICF guest house. It will rest on a continuous footer 32" below grade, poured on virgin clay soil. The ICF walls will start right on top of…

  • Question & Answers

    Powerwalls and fire codes

    We're in the process of designing a new home for a client on Martha's Vineyard. We've been told by the solar panel provider that under present fire codes only a…

  • Question & Answers

    International Building Code

    Can someone explain just how “International” the “International” code is? Does European countries or China or other Asian nations for example contribute to it? Is it mostly North American? Is…

  • Question & Answers

    Can a HPWH be installed into a unity closet with venting in and out of a garage?

    I am looking at getting a HPWH for a house that is above my detached garage. The furnace and water heater is in a little closet in the garage, and…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation regulations in Michigan and basement blanket

    Hello:I've found this website and forum to be extremely useful and wanted to share an issue we discovered, constructing our home in Michigan in 2018-2019.  Code here required a minimum…

  • Question & Answers

    Normal for code inspectors to disgregard nailing requirements?

    Owner-building a new home in Anchorage, Alaska. My framer called in a muni inspection for the shear walls. The inspection noted that one interior shear wall hadn't been built all…

  • Question & Answers

    Untreated wood on foundation wall and slab

    My framers used pressure-treated sill plates on top of the concrete foundation wall, but also placed untreated wood directly against the foundation wall and on the slab. A few examples…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation in attic ceiling and walls

    Could use some help in understanding the code requirements for different assemblies (roof and walls) in attic space.  I am helping a friend in renovating house in Maryland.  Creating a…