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Building Code Questions- Page 23 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Venting a Shed Roof Tied to a Gable-End Wall

    Hi all, First time posting here after tons of research. Looking to finalize some details for a house we will be building in new england, zone 6. The house is…

  • Question & Answers


    Hi. We want to use a grout for surface leveling under the baseplate of steel anchors on roof. It will be covered with secondary waterstoping membrane, thermal insulation and single-ply…

  • Question & Answers

    EPS Exterior Basement Insulation

    I recently had the final inspection done on a basement waterproofing project that included rigid foam insulation.  The inspector noticed that I used 4in of EPS foam which he referred…

  • Question & Answers

    Concrete Free Foundation Using Wood at or Below Grade

    I have read various articles on GBA and elsewhere regarding Concrete Free Foundations.  As an example, the following great article by Michael Maines here: highlights a concrete free slab on…

  • Question & Answers

    Roof sheathing edge joint

    what is the requirement for roof sheathing edge joint gaps

  • Question & Answers

    Fire Code and Off-Gassing With Above-Deck Insulation

    I'm converting my old roof to one with above-deck rigid insulation. I'm in climate zone 5 and, and I'll be insulating with 4" EPS atop 5.5" ISO. Below this new…

  • Question & Answers

    Ridge and gable vents for unconditioned attic

    Re-roof of well sealed unconditioned attic is calling for ridge vent install.   Currently this attic has gable vents.  Soffit vents are not an option, eaves trim detail is in…

  • Question & Answers

    Leaving one wall standing

    Hello all.  Been reading for a bit and recently joined.  I am a homeowner with a full-time non-construction, non-trade job.  I do light renovations as a hobby and to save…

  • Question & Answers

    When did homes built with a concrete slab on grade foundation start requiring insulation around the slab?

    I am trying to develop a document about the insulation levels one could expect in an old home depending on the age of a home. Roughly speaking:When did homes built…

  • Question & Answers

    Meeting insulation requirements

    Under what circumstances can an addition be added (NYS) that will simply act as a cold storage space not need to meet insulation requirements.  The addition would only have an…