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Building Code Questions- Page 22 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Installing a Whole-House Off-Grid Solar Power System

    I would like to install a whole house off grid solar system in Clark County Nevada, sandy-valley. I was told by the building department that I need to get an…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement Finishing

    Hi there, I am finishing my basement as a DYI. I don't have a lot of money for the project, so I can't hire anyone to help and I can't…

  • Question & Answers

    Live Load & Dead Load, still don’t fully understand

    Hi guys,I still don't fully understand the whole "Live load", "dead Load" thing although I do sort of get the basics. So I'm coming from the product design world, just…

  • Question & Answers

    Fire-Protected Floor Over Crawlspace

    Change is hard! I designed a ducted mini-split system for a new 1,800sf all electric home in the Southern California desert. The permit plan reviewer is requiring the floor to…

  • Question & Answers

    Notching Studs

    SUMMARY:  How deeply can a notch a bearing stud across its depth (not across its width)?  Code seems to speak to the latter, but not the former. DETAILED:  My 2x6…

  • Question & Answers

    Drywall requirements for interior shearwalls, under TJIs etc.

    What are the requirements for using drywall as a flame break for:1. Under TJI joists2. Interior shearwalls (7/16" sheathed 2x4 walls)?3. Interior side of exterior shearwalls4. Interior non structural walls.In…

  • Question & Answers

    When States Jump Ahead in IECC Adoption

    When states are more than one increment behind in their building code adoption, is there harm in jumping all the way up to the most recent version?  E.G., take any…

  • Question & Answers


    Would I be code compliant if I installed 1" thick xps directly to studs, taped all seams, then nailed 1/2" plywood according to hubers zip r nailing requirements(1 1/2" penetration…

  • Question & Answers

    OSB, Rockwool, and Vapor Retarder

    Hello everyone, new member here with some questions I'm sure are easy for you folks. I'll try to be clear & to the point. I air-sealed my stud bays in…

  • Question & Answers


    Per the 2018 IRC, can "MULE-HIDE POLY ISO2" be used below a slab on grade?My supplier says I can, but have read mixed reviews on it.  I'm not really looking…