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Building Code Questions- Page 20 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Deck Footer Question

    I live in NC. My local building code for decks says "Minimum footing depth shall be 12 inches below finished grade".  That being the case, I should be able to…

  • Question & Answers

    BigCity Windows & Doors Ottawa

    BigCity Windows & Doors is one of top window replacement companies Ottawa, offering a great range of Ottawa windows and doors to meet all customers’ needs: from casement windows to…

  • Question & Answers

    Solar panels on a roof without a ridge

    This article in Fine Homebuilding has a good summary of the rules for placing solar panels on a residential roof: has this quote from the ICC "International Solar Energy Provisions":…

  • Question & Answers

    To Vent a Spray Foamed Roof Deck, or Not?

    We have a cape with a 10/12 roof in a Northern New England climate (snow!). Originally, the roof was galvanized metal panels, vented at the ridge, gable ends, and ridge…

  • Question & Answers

    VENTING cathedral ceiling without a soffit vent.

    What is best practice for venting a cathedral ceiling where I cannot have a soffit vent? or, what measures do can I take to prove that venting is unnecessary? Our lower…

  • Question & Answers

    Anyone Know North Carolina Building Code for Encapsulated Crawlspaces?

    Hello.  I will soon be building a home in NC for various reasons i will be building on a crawl space. I will encapsulate the crawl space and probably condition…

  • Question & Answers

    Pier footing sizing – interpret code

    Fear I am misunderstanding our code, re footing thickness. Footing Thickness 1) Footing thickness shall be not less than the greater of a) 100 mm, or b) the width of the…

  • Question & Answers

    How to frame second floor stair opening

    Hey, rookie designer/owner builder trying to figure out how to frame the second floor stair opening of the attached layout. I’m sure there is a way I can do this…

  • Question & Answers

    Ending voting on ICC Green Building Codes

    Came across this article as the lead article in Politics on Huffington Post. Some of you may dismiss HuffPo as a lefty mouthpiece...and there is some of that. But in…

  • Question & Answers

    Diagonal Wood Bracing Instead of Gypsum Wall Board for Shear Resistance

    I am trying to follow Prescriptive Code to get my house through permitting in Island County,WA without an engineer (the tech rat race has escaped the locked down city and…