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Building Code Questions- Page 19 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    How to insulate this stairwell

    The stairwell is already only 34" wide. It previously (this morning) had a 2x3 down at the turning landing and a spf 2x6 nailed to the top of the cinder…

  • Question & Answers

    2018 IRC

    Does anyone know where in the 2018 IRC is found the ICF wall portions of the code? Back in 2012 it was R404.1.2 & R611

  • Question & Answers

    Attaching cantilevered roof, roof overhang, PERSIST roof, and snow load.

    I want to wrap my project with a CAB, then add a cantilevered roof.  I would like to shade the second floor windows somewhere near the middle of Summer Solstice…

  • Question & Answers

    Questioning Code Insulation Requirements

    We're finishing our basement and our northern NJ town says the state building code is we have to insulate our basement to R13 even if we're not conditioning or heating…

  • Question & Answers

    Bonus Room Roof Insulation & Code questions…

    Hi folks.I am having my contractor come out to closed cell spray foam my bonus room in an unvented fashion (per conversations with J. Lstiburek).The rafters are 24" o.c. &…

  • Question & Answers

    Footing Height

    Trying to find the max height *above grade* for a monolithic slab-on-grade footing?After perusing the IRC and web I have only run into the minimums for depth and width for…

  • Question & Answers

    Understanding Code: Access for Fire Department Equipment

    So I am converting our garage into a suite and have one outstanding issue I can't get clarified by permits. I provided a response on the last submission and they…

  • Question & Answers

    PVC 3/4 x 4 be used under basement wall base-plate?

    Can a PVC board be used under basement wall base-plate in place of pressure treated wood? will it pass code inspection in Pa.?

  • Question & Answers

    45min fire rating wall assembly

    I am not really understanding some feedback from our building inspector regarding sheathing requirements. I'm building a small shop in the corner of our city lot in BC, Canada. I require…

  • Question & Answers

    Deck Footer Question

    I live in NC. My local building code for decks says "Minimum footing depth shall be 12 inches below finished grade".  That being the case, I should be able to…