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Building Code Questions- Page 18 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Anchor Bolts

    I deal with the BC Building Code. It specifies certain diameters and spacing of anchor bolts but does not specify that they must be cast in place (wet set).On projects…

  • Question & Answers

    Thoughts on this Unconventional Window Head Flashing Detail

    Owner builder here. I’m building a small shed workshop, permits required and pulled, and am in a bit of a dispute with the inspector over my window flashing detail. I’ve…

  • Question & Answers

    attic venting – oft-missed code requirement?

    This question is regarding ventilated attics. Assume you’re calculating the required NFVA using the 1:300 ratio. Both IRC and IBC limit upper ventilation to 40–50% of the total required NFVA.…

  • Question & Answers

    Fire-Retardant Paint for Garage

    Hi folks, Does anyone know if DC315 application is code in NH for rim joists, exposed garage ceilings, etc.? I had my rim joists sprayed w/ 3" of closed cell…

  • Question & Answers

    Connecting Top Plates of Interior and Exterior Walls

    Hello all, I am interested in running my 1.5" 2x4 service cavity on the interior of my 2x6 wall straight around the perimeter of the house with no breaks. Also,…

  • Question & Answers

    24″ Overhang Outlooker Framing Question

    Hello,I am drawing up some framing at my gable end and plan to use a drop gable truss.  I spoke with an architect who said he likes a 3:1 ratio…

  • Question & Answers

    Sizing a Window Header

    I'm designing a backyard studio in New Hampshire, and I've already gotten a huge amount of help just from reading GBA (and the cousins over at FHB). Thank you! I…

  • Question & Answers

    Recommendations for Door Source

    Hi guys, I'm from Toronto. I'm looking for some suggestions. We are in the process of renovating our house and my wife suggested getting a garden door. Where can I…

  • Question & Answers

    OSB as air barrier

    A while back there were questions regarding the integrity of OSB as an air barrier. Has that been substantiated, or debunked? Any new studies or improvements in manufacturing?As a side…

  • Question & Answers

    Understanding Code Requirements for HRVs

    I am having trouble sorting through code requirements for HRV's. This is regarding Part 9 – Housing and Small Buildings Section 9.32. Ventilation We are planning radiant heated floors, ductless…