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Building Code Questions- Page 17 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Questionable Framing Detail

    Doing a gut before we spray foam. I noticed half of one side of the vaulted ceiling(2 by 8’s) is nailed to the side of 2by6’s. The 2by 6’s are…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating slopes in a vaulted cei

    I have 9" clearance on slopes and i used R30 c  batt insulation Do I need to put baffles in?

  • Question & Answers

    Using Engineered LVLs in a Code-Prescribed Building

    I am designing my own small outbuilding, which is a 400 sq ft suite, with a 200 sq ft loft. I am in BC Canada. The building is designed IAW…

  • Question & Answers

    Understanding Code for Sub-Slab Insulation

    I want to make sure my interpretation of the code is correct. This is for a new construction home in Zone 5. Planning to go with a heated slab in…

  • Question & Answers

    Zip R Sheathing and Condensation

    Something that is endlessly confusing to me for climate zone 7 is that many insulation manufactures or general discussions about insulation cite that you need R-value 20+5 in a 2x6…

  • Question & Answers

    GPS+VB on at-grade & above-grade slab under finished floor with “crawl-space” gap. ok? fire-safe?

    I am converting my garage to living space.  We live in climate zone 6 (Montreal).  The garage slab is at-grade and the room next to it has a slab that…

  • Question & Answers

    Under-Slab Vapor Barrier

    I'm looking at City of Oakland California bulletin B19-001, which applies to conversion of non-habitable space (read basements, garages). I'm trying to understand the fundamental reasons here.  In lieu of…

  • Question & Answers

    Meeting Code With This Three-Way Switch

    Hi, I live in Ontario and I will be building a house plus a detached garage with a sub panel. We want to be able to control the garage lights…

  • Question & Answers

    Installing a Kitchen Sink Drain Line

    Need to clarify my understanding on venting & drain lines. I'm looking at plumbing plans for a small residential project. The idea is to install a kitchen sink in a…

  • Question & Answers

    Bathroom window

    I have a small window that is close enough to a bathtub that it should be tempered glass...but it isn't.  I'm wondering if I can put a grate infront of…