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Building Code Questions- Page 16 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Fireblocking in ICF walls

    Do ICF walls have to be fireblocked?  By my reading of the code the top of the walls need some sort of fireblock before they go into the roof/floor cavity,…

  • Question & Answers

    Unvented Rafter Bays over Unconditioned Space

    I have a question regarding an unvented rafter bay for a roof the is over an exterior deck, not conditioned space. Do I need to apply IRC R806.5 or is…

  • Question & Answers

    Bringing an Attic Furnace / Air Handler into Conditioned Space

    Want to bring furnace/air combo unit into conditioned space.  It's a 1950s, 1.5 story, located in zone 5 with furnace/air in third floor attic.  The unit is suspended and close…

  • Question & Answers

    2021 IECC: External Insulation and 2×8 Walls

    2021 IECC* says that for my zone, 4c, I have to have external insulation.  The list, however, only seems to show 2x4 and 2x6 walls.  Does this mean that 2x8…

  • Question & Answers

    Where is the “warm side” ?

    Seems simple.  Before the advent of exterior insulation or double stud-walls, if a building code required a class I or II vapor retarder on the "warm side of the insulation",…

  • Question & Answers

    OSB Wall Sheathing Meets Drywall Ceiling

    Hi guys, I'm currently hanging 7/16" OSB for my garage interior walls. I was initially spacing it down 5/8" to allow the drywallers to rest the edge on top of…

  • Question & Answers

    Ventilation rate

    buiding code required ventilation rate for residential 1-2 familyis 15 cfm/person or 0.35 ach living space whichever is greaterwhat is considered living spaceis cellar assessory storage / other includedit ends…

  • Question & Answers

    Log home res check zone 6

    I was speaking with a local log home builder who expressed his experience with local code enforcement and the res check on a new home he's building. Because of the…

  • Question & Answers

    IRC on Sub-Slab or Concrete-Free Slab Insulation

    Is there anything written in the IRC about sub slab insulation? Can only find info on foundation walls. Thanks, PK

  • Question & Answers

    2″ plumbing vent to daylight

    In order to avoid roof penetrations in CZ  4 (marine) , is it ever permitted for a 2" plumbing vent to daylight through an attic sidewall and then transition to…