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Building Code Questions- Page 14 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Minimum roof slope for adequate roof venting. CA zone 4B

    Hi, new to GBA. Was hoping to get some advice.Located in CA, zone 4B. Can I get away with 2/12 pitch on single sloped roof using fiberglass insulation with 1.5"…

  • Question & Answers

    Measuring Floor Framing

    i'm using this calculator but floor framing length starts at 24'. i only have 18' floor framing length and a 18' span,  so the beam that come out seems…

  • Question & Answers

    Rigid Foam Between Top of Internal Footings and Slab

    We are building g a custom home in the Salt Lake City area. Our footings & foundations are poured. We are currently grading out the area under the slab with…

  • Question & Answers

    Calculating Beam Size

    hi, i'm looking at IBC for design info for a beam and i'm confused. pls help my design is 22' wide, 1.5 level (rooms in roof space). there will be…

  • Question & Answers

    IECC 2021 Updated U-Value Table

    Ok I'm finally trying to understand where the 'you need continuous insulation according to the 2021 IECC' is coming from. When I go here: and look at table 402.1.2,…

  • Question & Answers

    Rigid Foam for Residential Roofs

    Hello, The not for profit land trust I work for's office is in an old farm house.  It is time to re-roof and we would like to take the opportunity…

  • Question & Answers

    Vapor Barrier for Wood Post in Concrete Patio

    What is the proper way to protect the pt wood if the area in red is to be fixed with new concrete.  The column will be covered with a stone…

  • Question & Answers

    UL Listed, 1-Hour Fire Rated Double Stud Wall

    I am building a low embodied carbon, passive house multifamily building in Minneapolis. We just determined that our wall assembly must be 1-hour fire rated due to proximity to the…

  • Question & Answers

    Solar Array Fire Access Code

    I just wanted to post something that I just went through to hopefully save others time in there builds. (I searched here for up to date info but didn't find…

  • Question & Answers

    IRC Table R602.3(5) vs. Table R602.3.1 on the max height and spacing of 2×4 bearing stud walls

    I'm designing a monopitch (shed-roof) residential addition in CZ6. I'm looking into using 2x4 walls with exterior EPS. Design calls for a 10' high wall on the tall side of…