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Building Code Questions- Page 13 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Make-up air run to furnace cold air return?

    I got my rough HVAC inspection on my gut remodel. I passed other than the inspector insisting that I install a 6" duct from outside through a barometric damper to…

  • Question & Answers

    Navigating unvented roof assemblies and building code

    Hi everyone,I’m looking to build a home in Chilliwack British Columbia Canada, not far from Vancouver. We’re lousy with rain and moisture and research documented here and elsewhere has shown…

  • Question & Answers

    Turning a Pantry into a Water Heater / Furnace Closet

    I am splitting an old pantry into a half bath and hot water heater/furnace closet. Both appliances run on natural gas. I live in Washington State Seattle area climate 4c…

  • Question & Answers

    Roof Air Barrier & Attic Insulation

    Hello, We plan to act as our on general contractor during for our home build next year.  The construction will be in zone 5 (50 miles east of Boise, ID).  I had…

  • Question & Answers

    Fastening Wall Plate to Slab on Grade

    Are there special requirements when remodeling walls in a house that is slab on grade? This is a Home in Cincinnati so it falls under the RCO (Residential Code of…

  • Question & Answers

    Installing Ducted Minisplit Handler in Closet

    Is there any code against installing a ducted mini split handler (Fujitu slim ducted) in a bedroom closet? The closet is long and could be divided in 2 but would…

  • Question & Answers

    Codes for Decommissioning a Fireplace

    Hi all - I'm looking to permanently decommission all original wood-burning  fireplaces in our 1925 home. There are 3 separate fireplaces stacked on top of each other - basement, living…

  • Question & Answers

    Hangers for Ceiling Joists that Meet at Beam

    I'm personally building our first house.  I'm not really a carpenter or tradesman but have enough experience to get it done.  Where I live, there are no codes, inspections, no…

  • Question & Answers

    Electrical Wiring in Double-Stud Wall

    I am building a passive house with double stud walls. 2x6 for exterior and 2x4 interior with a 1.5" offset gap between the studs. I intend to put the plumbing…

  • Question & Answers

    Exposed Intello Plus Membrane in Attic

    I know this is ultimately a matter for my local code official to answer, but I'd like to know if there's any clear guidance on this before approaching them: Is…