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Building Code Questions- Page 11 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Framing Rake Walls

    Rookie framing question: I'm a little confused with code (2015) whether I need to: A. balloon frame the rake wall so that there is no hinge point, or B. have…

  • Question & Answers

    Windows in existing residence

    Hello -The window company who installed our high efficiency windows neglected code in two by installing them in areas that required tempered glass, and they installed standard windows rather than…

  • Question & Answers

    Framing around a medicine cabinet

    We have an interior wall that is mostly 2x4, but has 2' of 2x6 to accommodate a DMV stack. We are  extending the 2x6 stud wall three more feet in…

  • Question & Answers

    Fire code

    Hello. In my attic I have paper faced fiberglass. The paper is covered by foil faced thermax with the foil faced out. It says combustible on the foil. The thermax…

  • Question & Answers

    Bath fans w/ lights – must they be IC rated?

    Hi.  Remodeling a bathroom.  Will install a Pansonic high flow, quiet replacement fan in my 10 x 15 foot full bath, w large shower.  MUST replace the 40-yr old exhaust…

  • Question & Answers

    Code for Installing Gas Range and Hood

    I am trying to install a gas range and range hood in my kitchen, also for the range hood, I will need to cut a hole for the ventilation. The…

  • Question & Answers

    LiFePo Batteries in Utility Room

    I'm putting in my largest solar array/inverter/battery system so far.  And frankly the first that will be seen by an inspector.  The location everyone likes for the batteries is in a…

  • Question & Answers

    Code Sill Height

    Currently planning major energy upgrade remodel for two-story New England farm house/Greek Revival home mid-coast Maine. The existing ancient double-hung windows with rope pulleys on the second and third floors…

  • Question & Answers

    Unvented Attic Insulation Options

    Hello. What is the best non toxic options for insulating the attic roof deck for a non vented attic? I know the codes required an impermeable layer with a vapor barrier…

  • Question & Answers

    Cathedral Ceilings

    Hello. I need help understanding the code requirements for cathedral ceilings with no attic above.  My bedroom has a cathedral ceiling. We currently have no vents, and R-38 insulation. See…