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Building Code Questions- Page 10 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Double-Stud Wall Continuous Insulation

    Hello GBA community, We live in south-eastern Ontario, Canada in a rural township that does not see a lot of green buildings. We have designed and built a double stud…

  • Question & Answers

    Verifying Class-C Fire-Rating for Standing Seam Metal Roof

    Hi All-Most of my work in Southern California is with asphalt shingles, which are easy to achieve a Class-A roof. For a project I am working on now our clients…

  • Question & Answers

    Shed Rafter Spacing – 16″ vs. 24″ OC with PV and 7/16

    Hey all,I am designing a shed/pump-house to serve in the short-term as temporary storage for building supplies related to house build.  The space will later be divided, by adding an…

  • Question & Answers

    Artificial Lighting Code Requirements

    Do the "artificial lighting requirements" in R303.1 of the IBC for habitable rooms with less than an 8% glazing ratio require that the supplied artificial lighting be in the form…

  • Question & Answers

    Fasteners for AdvanTech Roof Sheathing

    I'm trying to cut through code requirements vs manufacturer installation requirements. Quick summary: *Zone 6A *Low slope unvented roof assembly for a small addition *3/4" TG Advantech roof sheathing *Local…

  • Question & Answers

    Code for Lower R-value in Ceiling if Closed-cell Foam is Used

    Hello All,Building in zone 5 (south west idaho) where the county uses the 2017 Idaho Residential Code; which is based on the 2012 International Res. Code. collecting insulation quotes, one…

  • Question & Answers

    Better to bury ducts in attic insulation vs put in unconditioned space?

    We live in Maryland just outside Washington DC.  A huge tree fell on our house, crushing the roof.  The house is a 2-story 5,000 sq ft colonial built in 1973,…

  • Question & Answers

    Staggered wall studs on bottom plate

    Can't seem to find anything in the codes for amount of stud sitting on top of frost wall above the bottom plate. I'd like to use a 2x12" with 2x4s…

  • Question & Answers

    Wall Stud and Floor Joist Spacing

    Hello Everyone - hopefully a quick, simple question. I'm building a 24'x32' workshop and trying to create the framing layout using advanced framing principles.  Trusses will be 24" OC and…

  • Question & Answers

    roof sheathing top course APA requirements

    I recently received the following plan review comment from a notoriously-punctilious building inspection department on an application for a garage in Superior, WI:"Make sure the top [course] of the roof…