Spray Foam Insulation- Page 3 of 7
Choosing Low-Carbon Insulation
Make informed selections based on more than R-value
Does Spray Foam in the Attic Make It a High-Performance Home?
And can it ever be called "high-performance" if the attic insulation is only R-20?
The Benefit of Larsen Trusses
Adding depth to exterior walls is a smart way to add lots of insulation
Ducts in an Unconditioned Attic
The best place for ductwork is inside the thermal boundary of the house, not in an unconditioned, vented attic
What Is My Roof Trying to Tell Me?
It's possible the pattern of melting snow suggests that something is amiss with the insulation
High-Performance Modern Design
A few solutions for achieving a contemporary aesthetic and ambitious energy goals
Building Science Meets HOUSES by Design
Three projects, multiple challenges, and a few pretty pictures
Smart High-Performance Homes Start With Good Design
Keep the mechanicals out of the attic and the plumbing runs short
5 High-Performance Details
Architect Elizabeth DiSalvo shares a few of her preferred cold-climate construction details for foundations, walls, and roofs
FAQ: Why Do Some Builders Avoid Foam Insulation?
Its chemical ingredients and embodied carbon are enough to push some builders to make another choice