Planning for Back-up Power
What is the best electric panel configuration to service a house during a power outage?
Moisture-Related Wood Shrinkage
What is the reason for gaps between tongue-and-groove roof lumber?
Fixing Spray Foam Gaps in an Unvented Roof
Will gaps in the framing of a spray-foamed roof lead to damage?
Heat Pumps in a Cold Climate
When the power goes out, what is the best backup system?
Off-Gassing Worries Upends a Renovation
Conerns about flame retardants in closed-cell foam prompts a change in plans
Setting a Minimum Gap for a Vented Rainscreen
Builders often use 1x material to set gap, but will the assembly still work with a much smaller space?
Protecting a Concrete Slab Through a Long Winter
Without a heated building above it, is a frost-protected shallow foundation at risk of damage from below-freezing temperatures?
Alaska Builder Faces an Insulating Dilemma
His desire to stay foam-free launches a search for other options, but some products have been hard to find
Is Spray Foam the Answer?
An insulation contractor suggests mixing open- and closed-cell foam. Is that the best approach?
Insulation for a Conditioned Basement
Controlling moisture is the key to a healthy interior environment