Designing an Air Barrier for a Timbered Cathedral Ceiling
Exposed timber trusses will make air sealing more complicated
Help for an Ailing Water Heater
Would a tankless electric water heater be a good way to boost the output of a heat-pump water heater?
Do These Walls Need a Vapor Barrier?
The owner-builder's uncle suggests poly in both the walls and ceiling. Is he right?
Comparing High-Performance Wall Options
An owner-builder aiming for R-50 exterior walls ponders the best way of reaching his goal
The Air in My House Is Too Dry
In Ontario, a homeowner wonders why relative humidity inside his house is so low and what he can do to raise it
Insulated Sheathing in a Cold Climate
An owner/builder in North Dakota is concerned about the R-value of the exterior rigid foam on his walls
Heating a New House in Nova Scotia
An owner-builder plans to heat her home with a combination of radiant-floor heat and a wood stove
Coping With High Humidity and Mold
In southern Vermont, a tight, well-insulated house is showing isolated areas of mold
How to Insulate a Raised Floor
When there’s not enough room under the building to work, how can a continuous layer of insulation be installed?
Insulating and Air Sealing a Vaulted Ceiling
An owner-builder looks for advice on creating a trouble-free roof assembly