Product Guide
Optimizing Your Window Package
How to select the best windows based on operation type, performance data, and wall assembly
Low-Voltage Lighting Saves Copper
In response to the soaring cost of copper and need to reduce its use in residential projects, companies are popping up to supply fixtures compatible with a DC distribution system
Ductless Heat Pump Ceiling Cassettes
This lesser-used indoor head style has unique features and benefits that make it a good choice in specific instances
Continuous Insulation, Part 2
An overview of the products most commonly used for exterior insulation and considerations for detailing this type of wall assembly
SANCO2 Heat Pump Water Heater
Some feedback from the field regarding the SANCO2 HPWH, a newer option for pros spec'ing high-performance mechanical equipment
Heat Pump Mounting Systems
An overview of mounting systems for condenser units and product recommendations
Job Site Heaters
Cold weather construction often requires a temporary heat source. Here are some types of portable heaters and considerations when choosing one.
The FORTIFIED Roof System
An introduction to a roof assembly and certification program from the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety
Alternatives to Silicone
This older sealant may be good for some home projects but advances in materials technologies offer additional options for sealing joints
Rice Husk Siding and Trim Board
A bio-based board product modeled on polymer-husk technology hypes wood-like appearance and PVC-comparable performance, among other qualities