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  • Energy Solutions

    Pumped Hydro Power Storage

    Last weekend, looking for someplace new to explore, my wife and I drove down to Northfield, Massachusetts, to check out the cross-country ski center. The skiing was great, and it…

  • Energy Solutions

    LED Lighting — Efficient Illumination Without Mercury

    Light-emitting diodes, better known as LEDs, are all around us — those little red or green indicator lights that blink at us from our stereo equipment, most new traffic signals,…

  • Energy Solutions

    An Overview of HID Lighting

    Three recent columns provided a brief history of lighting, an overview of fluorescent technology, and a look at the challenges of improving streetlights. Following a side trip into the issue…

  • Energy Solutions

    Making Houses Resilient to Power Outages

    The ice storm a week-and-a-half ago illustrated, all too clearly, the vulnerability of our homes. Hundreds of thousands of homes in New England lost power in the storm, which deposited…

  • Energy Solutions

    Mercury Vapor Lighting

    Last week we took a look at fluorescent lighting, which is dramatically reducing our energy use for illuminating indoor spaces. This week we’ll cover mercury vapor lighting, which is the…

  • Energy Solutions

    A Look at Fluorescent Lighting

    Last week, after an overview of lighting history, we examined incandescent lighting—the lamp technology invented by Thomas Edison. Until the mid-1900s incandescent lighting dominated both commercial and residential lighting applications,…

  • Energy Solutions

    A Short History of Lighting

    Light is one of our most important energy needs. Historically—before the advent of electric lighting—the need for illumination governed architecture. Buildings were designed to facilitate natural daylighting. My office is…

  • Energy Solutions

    Just Say No to Idling

    The easiest energy savings come from little changes in our behavior that don’t cause any hardship—or even result in ancillary benefits. Such is the case with reducing the amount of…

  • Energy Solutions

    Generating Electricity from the Sun

    Almost all of our methods for generating electricity are fundamentally the same. Coal-, nuclear-, and natural-gas-fired power plants boil water to produce high-pressure steam that spins a dynamo in a…

  • Energy Solutions

    Solar Water Heating

    Brattleboro, Vermont is fortunate to have a long history with solar water heating. When I moved to the area in 1980, the company Solar Applications had been installing solar hot…