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  • Energy Solutions

    Storage vs. Tankless Water Heaters

    Last week I suggested some ways to reduce your hot water use. This is almost always the easiest way to save energy with water heating—it’s the “low-hanging fruit” to be…

  • Energy Solutions

    Saving Energy by Saving Water

    Whenever we reduce water use, we also save energy. In fact, several of the most cost-effective energy saving strategies — projects with the quickest “payback” — are water conservation improvements…

  • Energy Solutions


    It often surprises people to learn that with today’s water-conserving dishwashers and typical practices for hand-washing, properly filled automated dishwashers use less water and energy. If you wash dishes by…

  • Energy Solutions

    Buying a New Refrigerator

    In a typical home, the refrigerator accounts for about 8% of the total annual energy expense, according to 2005 data from the U.S. Department of Energy. While this energy consumption…

  • Energy Solutions

    Measuring Electricity Use

    I get a lot of questions about energy. Electricity consumption factors into many of them. Why are electric bills so high? How can I tell when it’s time to replace…

  • Energy Solutions

    Efficient Cooking

    Which is better: a gas or electric range? Most serious cooks prefer gas, because it delivers heat instantly and is highly controllable. With typical electric cooktops, it takes longer for…

  • Energy Solutions

    Air-Source Heat Pumps

    Last week’s column looked at efficient but also very expensive ground-source heat pumps; this week we’ll look at a less expensive option that’s becoming more common even in our climate:…

  • Energy Solutions

    Ground-Source Heat Pumps (2009)

    Last week I introduced heat pumps and described how they can deliver more heat than is contained in the electricity they consume—while being able to provide cooling as well as…

  • Energy Solutions

    Introducing Heat Pumps

    I used to think that electric heating should be avoided at all cost. After all, most of our electricity is produced from highly polluting and greenhouse-gas- spewing coal power plants…

  • Energy Solutions

    Radiant-Floor Heating

    Why radiant-floor heating systems don’t make sense for new, energy-efficient houses