Earth Day 2014 and Climate Change
Understanding the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and its new Fifth Assessment Report
How Much Water Does it Take to Turn on a Light Bulb?
A look at the water intensity (or water footprint) of electricity generation
Saving Water — Saving Energy
Saving energy isn’t only about using less electricity and fuel; it’s also about saving water
Collection and Use of Urine
Human urine collection and use provide a better way to recycle nutrients than the use of composting toilets
Reinventing Concrete
A California company envisions a world in which the 8 billion tons of concrete used each year sequester billions of tons of carbon dioxide
Lessons From Our House That Could Be Applied More Affordably
Yes, our house cost a lot more than I would have liked, but many of the ideas used in it could be implemented more affordably
Going High-Tech With an Induction Cooktop
Induction cooktops respond quickly, avoid gas combustion, are tops in energy efficiency, and limit risk of burns
Heat-Pump Water Heaters in Cold Climates
Heat-pump water heaters save energy on a year-round basis — but during the winter, the energy savings will drop
Deciding on a Water Heater
Why we chose an electric water heater instead of a solar water heater
Commissioning Our Heat-Recovery Ventilator
The supply and exhaust airflows of a ducted HRV have to be measured and balanced after installation for the system to function properly