Grilles, Registers, and Diffusers Part 2: Return Air Pathways
Solutions to avoid pressurization problems related to closed interior doors
Does Radon Really Cause Lung Cancer?
Establishing the risk for homeowners based on radon level, exposure time, and personal behaviors
Do Airtight Houses Need Makeup Air?
Airtight houses experience negative pressure, which could reduce airflow—that may or may not be a problem
How to Map Electrical Circuits
A systematic approach to mapping electrical panel circuits and organizing the data in preparation for going all electric
Can Cold Surfaces Pull Moisture From Dry Air?
When water vapor from the air condenses on an interior surface that is lower than the dew point temperature, a moisture magnet is the result
Will a Heat Pump Work in an Old House?
If the system is correctly sized and installed, then the answer is yes
Variable-Capacity Heat Pumps
A new generation of high-tech heat pumps and air conditioners promises quieter operation, increased efficiency, and improved comfort
Is Venting an Unconditioned Attic Necessary?
Air-sealing and insulation can go a long way toward addressing the issues with attics that are outside the conditioned space
Heat Pump Water Heaters for Cooling
Factors for determining if a heat pump water heater can replace an air conditioner
How to Protect Structural Insulated Panels for the Long Term
Air-sealing both the exterior and the interior panel connections promotes the product's longevity