Heat Pumps and Log Cabins
A convincing argument in favor of conditioning an old housing style with new technology
Design Temperature vs. Degree Days
Both describe important but different climate features for a location
The Benefit of Larsen Trusses
Adding depth to exterior walls is a smart way to add lots of insulation
Ducts in an Unconditioned Attic
The best place for ductwork is inside the thermal boundary of the house, not in an unconditioned, vented attic
How to Spot Misleading Electric Heating Efficiency Claims
Understanding the two primary types of electric heating
Using a Blower-Door Test and Interpreting the Results
An introduction to the technology and calculations for measuring a home’s energy performance
Strategies for Preventing Wood Rot
Correctly using and detailing lumber and other wood-based products adds to their longevity, which means we should be doing it on every job
Vapor: Pressure, Permeance, and Permeability
A few mental visuals to help understand that elusive moisture menace
Key Considerations When Insulating Old Walls
Water is the enemy, so keep it away and ensure the house's drying potential
Adding a Capillary Break to the Footing
It may not be common practice, but adding a membrane or liquid-applied capillary break is highly recommended