Best Practices
Protecting Heat Pumps from Rain and Snow
Tips and product recommendations for ensuring optimal heat pump performance under wet and potentially damaging conditions
Home Maintenance Tasks You’re Probably Not Doing (and Should Be)
Six straightforward tasks to perform on a schedule to ensure your equipment and home environment are being optimally maintained for best function
Planning and Prepping for Basement Flooring
Managing moisture is key, but choosing the appropriate product and creating a suitable surface are also crucial factors in establishing a long-lasting, comfortable basement floor
A Roadmap for Getting to Net-Zero
An owner-builder shares her method for setting priorities to achieve optimal energy efficiency
Low-Carbon Foundation Systems
As more building pros look for ways to get carbon out of their projects, foundations are the low-hanging fruit. Here are some viable alternatives to concrete basements and slabs.
6 Lessons Learned from Living in a High-Performance Home
One builder-owner’s hindsight reveals a few design considerations to bear in mind when building new
Accessory Dwelling Unit Design-Build
A low-carbon, all-electric ADU demonstrates the benefits of small-home living
Ways to Reduce Residential Light Pollution
Outdoor lighting design strategies to prevent wasted energy usage, impaired human health, and negative environmental impacts
Shallow Energy Retrofits, Part 2
Air-sealing and increased insulation in the roof have the biggest impact on energy efficiency upgrades
Shallow Energy Retrofits, Part 1
Targeting problem areas for upgrades can be either insufficient for preventing future issues, or a prudent choice and smart investment