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Building Science

Video Tip: Self Draining Sill Pans


Water Can Collect at Window Sills

Installing windows is tricky — A window is basically a big hole in an otherwise continuous surface that’s insulated and protected from rain and wind.

Builders have been putting windows in walls for a long time, so there are plenty of time-tested methods. But old houses weren’t insulated or air sealed as well as green houses, so drying was easier if the window leaked.

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  1. homedesign | | #1

    Nice video...the sill is

    Nice video...the sill is probably the most critical element.
    How about some head details? Especially ones that incorporate outboard insulation and rainscreen.
    That's where I am still scratchin my head.

  2. Daniel Morrison | | #2

    Coming up
    I'll get one up soon, John.
    There are a couple more sill flashing videos in the windows section, under Builder Tips and down below.

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