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BS* + Beer

The BS* + Beer Show: Pushing for the Win

In this special Independence Day episode we opened the discussion to the community and asked, how are you meeting the challenge of building better?

Happy belated Independence day everyone. To celebrate the holiday a little early, we did something a bit different on the BS* + Beer Show last week. Instead of our usual panel discussion, we included all attendees and invited everyone to participate.

In this open-format episode, after an introduction by John Deans, carpenter and marketing director at Emerald Builders, we had a lively discussion that included thoughts on how to educate clients, train employees and subs, and generally get everyone on board for shared goals of making a positive climate impact as we design and build efficient, comfortable, durable, and healthy homes.

We heard from folks who have to fight for every little bit of environmental, building science, or efficiency gain they can get on a project, as well as some who have put a stake in the ground and only build Passive Houses or zero-energy homes. It was fun and inspiring to hear from so many designers, builders, and others who care so much about the impact we can make in the work we do. Enjoy the show!

The next show is Thursday, July 9, from 6 to 7:30 pm: Inside the Wingnut testing facility, or WTF. Our panelists are Peter Yost and Dave Gauthier. For GBA readers, Peter and his Wingnut testing have resulted in some fun and informative blog posts. He is joined on the show by Dave Gauthier, the Architectural Product Manager for Atlas Molded Products. Dave is a veteran of the SIP industry, a former general contractor and timber framer, and a long-time Wingnut, always believing in the “trust but verify” philosophy when it comes to products and processes. Use this link to register for The BS* + Beer Show.

Brian Pontolilo is a former editor at Fine Homebuilding magazine and Green Building Advisor.




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