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BS* + Beer

The BS* + Beer Show: Nuts and Volts of Solar Installations

A look at the technical aspects of getting a solar array system installed and running

Image credit: Green MPs CC BY-NC-ND Flickr

This episode of the BS* + Beer show features Vaughn Woodruff and Will Field of ReVision Energy talking about the “Nuts and Volts of Solar Installations.” Our last discussion on solar power centered around storage and backup. This time we cover the parts and process of getting a system up and running. Will shares “10 Tips to a Smooth Solar Installation,” with a focus on grid-tied systems. We learn about solar modules, panels, rails, attachments, and module-level power electronics. Topics discussed include design plans, panel sizing and orientation, mounting systems, and space requirements, to name a few.

Enjoy the show!

The BS* + Beer Show schedule

Episodes air the first Thursday of the month. Join us on April 7, 2022, from 6-7:30 p.m. ET, when we will talk about “Pretty Good Landscaping” with Kerry Lewis and Sutter Wehmeier. Landscaping can be a lot more than monoculture grass and dyed-bark mulch. Pretty Good Landscapes are ecologically sensitive, use locally sourced plants and materials, relate to the surrounding habitat, and complement a house’s architecture. They are climate-appropriate, resource-efficient, and long-lived. Learn what goes into designing such a landscape—it’s easier than you might think.


Kerry Lewis established Kerry Lewis Landscape Architecture in 2002 after 15 years of professional practice with firms in New York, San Francisco and in Boston with the award-winning Halvorson Design Partnership. Kerry graduated from Cornell University with a BS with distinction in landscape architecture. She holds certificates in Healthcare Garden Design (Regenstein School of the Chicago Botanic Garden) and Horticultural Therapy (Horticultural Therapy Institute and Colorado State University). Kerry has been a registered landscape architect since 1993 and is currently licensed in Massachusetts and Maine.

Sutter Wehmeier is a principal with BASE Landscape Architecture, a women- and minority-owned design firm in San Francisco and Portland, Oregon. A licensed landscape architect, he has worked on multi-disciplinary teams on projects large and small, and the common thread in his work has always been a commitment to the greenest solutions each site can achieve. His portfolio includes award-winning projects with endorsement from the Living Building Challenge and the world’s first four-star certification from the Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES). Sutter’s areas of expertise include green roofs, horticulture, and stormwater management. Having previously managed a specialty plant nursery featuring over 10,000 species of plants, he has a deep appreciation for the magnificent diversity of the plant world. Sutter has also served as the president of the board of the Edwards Mother Earth Foundation, a charitable family foundation dedicated to mitigating global climate disruption.

Use this link to register for The BS* + Beer Show


Kiley Jacques is senior editor at Green Building Advisor.





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