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Green Building News

Registration Is Open for Maine Passive House Conference

The North America Passive House Network announces the program for its conference in Portland, Maine

The North American Passive House Network has opened registration and announced its schedule of seminars and events for the 2014 Conference and Expo in Portland, Maine, in September. (This Maine conference is not to be confused with the 9th Annual North American Passive House Conference in San Francisco, which is organized by Passive House Institute U.S.)

The North American Passive House Network (NAPHN) is aligned with the Passivhaus Institut in Germany. Its founder, Dr. Wolfgang Feist, is scheduled to deliver the keynote address at the Maine conference, at 9:00 a.m. on Sept. 22. Feist will speak on “How the Passivhaus standard is evolving.”

Speakers over the next two days will cover a variety of topics, discussing residential and non-residential Passivhaus projects in Europe, Canada, and the United States.

Participants can choose from one of four sessions that run for about an hour each throughout each day. The conference ends on Sept. 23.

At the accompanying trade show, more than 30 manufacturers or service providers will offer products or services useful for Passivhaus construction.

Until July 31, registration is $350 ($300 for NAPHN members and $200 for students). After July 31, add $100. The conference takes place at the Holiday Inn By the Bay in Portland, a city of about 65,000 with a lively nightlife in the Old Port and a long list of well regarded eateries and brew pubs.


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