Questions- Page 2408 of 3124
Best HVAC for a 1,100 sq. ft. passive solar house at 46 N latitude?
We are building high-performance, all electric, 1,100 sq foot passive solar home in cold weather winter climate with hot, humid summers. Slab on grade. Exposed concrete floor as thermal mass.…
Air seal complex joint
I have a polyiso/wood and polyiso/polyiso joint that I want to air seal. So far I have been using spray foam to accomplish the task. Even with the low expanding,…
Please help ID this loose-fill insulation
Recently did some work in an attic that contained a type of loose-fill insulation I've never seen before, and I would like to help the homeowner find out what it…
Can this really be? ACH50 of 0.62?
With homage to Martin's Christmas poem, I thought I'd share the results of my blower door test and ask... Is this really to be believed? The interior volume of my…
Using sill gaskets and tar paper on the interior for interior ledgers
So I have ledgers being bolted onto the foundation wall concrete to hang the joists after. Right now I have tar paper between the ledger and the concrete so that…
Solar thermal buffs bite (Martin) back
Solar Thermal is Dead (NOT!) I should start out by saying that I like a lot of the articles that Martin Holladay puts up on site. They often…
Roof and ceiling design advice wanted for steel building
Hello, I have been reading a lot of posts here on roofing and insulation but could still use some advice on my project, any advice or suggestions would be greatly…
Any information about the efficiency & cost of direct Solar Hot Water systems versus using Heat Pump Water Heater and PV panels to power it?
Location: Northern California - Sacramento
What to do about the existing housing stock?
Many of the articles and the focus here concern new construction, but this is an aging country with a mostly sufficient existing housing stock that dwarfs the new construction market…
Basement insulation
We just bought our first home. The basement is mostly finished, except for a side room that contains the furnace, washer, and dryer, and some storage space. We'd like to…