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NAHB Train the Trainer Video Series

Teaching the NAHB Building Science 2-day course

The videos in this series are excerpted from a NAHB Train The Trainer session presented by Peter Yost, Director of Residential Services for BuildingGreen, LLC. In these videos Peter outlines the training process and reviews the basic concepts covered throughout the course. He walks the instructors through the accompanying slide presentations on the theory and application of building science. He also demonstrates how to navigate through the content on and explains how the website applies to the course curriculum.

Videos in this Series:

Building Science: Principles – Section 01 (PowerPoint)
Tools of the Trade: Section 01 (hands-on demo)
Building Science: Applied – Section 02 (PowerPoint)
Climate Consultant 4: Section 02 (PowerPoint)
Integrated Design: Section 3 (
Building Enclosure: Foundation and Walls – Section 4 (


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