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Green Building News

More Information on the Passive House Conference in San Francisco

'Breakout sessions' at the San Francisco conference will cover a long list of topics for commercial and residential construction

Image Credit: PHIUS

Passive House Institute US has posted its list of programs for the 9th Annual North American Passive House Conference in San Francisco in September.

The conference, which runs from Sept. 10 through Sept. 14, opens with a keynote address by researcher and author William Rose on Sept. 12 before breaking into a number of separate discussions on narrowly focused topics.

“The PHIUS Technical Committee received more top-notch proposals to present at the 9th Annual North American Passive House Conference than ever,” PHIUS Executive Director Katrin Klingenberg said in a news release. “We had to add four 2-hour sessions to make room for all great work the passive house community has been doing over the past year.”

In all, there are two dozen sessions on topics that include residential and commercial case studies, marketing and business, indoor air quality, the Living Building Challenge, and insulation, among many others.

Separately, PHIUS has scheduled a series of technical pre-conference workshops on Sept. 10. and 11. There’s also a tour of Passivhaus projects in the area on Sept. 14.

Early registration for the conference at the Waterfront Marriott has been extended until July 17. Prices are posted at the registration website.


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