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Green Building News

In Vermont, an Energy Retrofit Workshop

Vermont Green Building Network plays host to Energysmiths owner Marc Rosenbaum, who will cover everything from air filtration and air barriers to mechanical systems and insulation upgrades

Image Credit: Vermont Green Building Network

Vermont-area remodelers, builders, architects, and homeowners interested in further exploring the energy-saving potential of green retrofits might want to check out “Deep Energy Retrofits,” a workshop being presented on Friday, June 19, by the Vermont Green Building Network and the Vermont chapter of the American Institute of Architects.

The workshop leader will be Marc Rosenbaum, owner of design consulting firm Energysmiths and a favored speaker at conferences that focus on energy-efficient design, construction, and improvements.

A flyer for the event notes that the workshop will cover where energy goes in homes, and how the principles of building science apply. Air barriers and insulation detailing will be illustrated primarily through case studies. Participants are encouraged to bring their own examples and situations for the group to resolve.

The workshop is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the National Life Group building, 1 National Life Drive, Montpelier, Vermont. Registration begins at 8 a.m. The fee is $175 for VGBN members, $200 for nonmembers through Tuesday, after which the nonmember fee increases to $225. Lunch and snacks are included.

Click here for the workshop registration page. Call Contact Nancy Mears at [email protected] or (802) 338-7664 for further information.


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