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Green Homes- Page 8 of 11

  • Green Homes

    Convert an Attic into a Luxury Bath

    Leslie and Heather, the owners of a 100-year-old 1 1⁄2-story house in Seattle’s Capitol Hill district, were tired of hiking downstairs in the middle of the night from their attic…

  • Green Homes

    Teenagers Build an Affordable LEED Platinum Home

    Betsy Pettit, GBA advisor and consultant to this project, points out that we’re in a dynamic time. “Push the envelope,” she remarks, “because what’s new now will be normal sooner…

  • Green Homes

    Historic Texas Bungalow Gets a Green Renovation

    This green restoration of a 1928 bungalow in downtown Austin was the first historic project to be rated by Austin Energy Green Building. While the aspects of green building are…

  • Green Homes

    Sustainable Materials and Solar Power in the Southwest

    Bau-Biologie—a construction philosophy focused on using natural materials to build healthy homes—originated in Germany, but in the USA, one epicenter is just outside of Santa Fe. Here, architect Paula Baker-Laporte…

  • Green Homes

    Michigan’s First LEED Platinum Gut-Rehab

    Doug Selby of Meadowlark Builders and Michael Klement of Architectural Resource are experienced at energy-efficient remodeling. Working as a team, Selby and Klement were the first in Michigan to grab…

  • Green Homes

    Green Renovation: Same Footprint, Twice the Space

    Originally a small house on a small hill in the heart of Decatur, Georgia, this home grew to meet its owners' needs in an environmentally friendly way with an EarthCraft-certified…

  • Green Homes

    Production Platinum Homes

    Villa Trieste is Pulte Homes' response to a number of things—an overtaxed regional infrastructure; a challenging real estate market; and consumer demand for more durable and energy-efficient homes.

  • Green Homes

    Deep Energy Makeover: One Step At A Time

    When my wife Chris and I bought this nearly 100-year-old home in 2000, we knew we had our work cut out for us: virtually no insulation; original single-pane windows; a…

  • Green Homes

    Green Remodel of a Midcentury Kitchen

    After 10 years of working around the shortcomings of this 1950s kitchen, the owners felt it was time to change the room to meet their needs.

  • Green Homes

    Oregon Solar Cottage Shares a Ground-Source Heat Pump with Its Neighbors

    This small house on reclaimed institutional grounds in Salem, Oregon, is just the first of many to come in a project that puts equal importance on energy efficiency, environmental conservation,…