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Encyclopedia- Page 9 of 14

  • Green Basics

    Vinyl Siding

    Vinyl Siding: Love It or Hate It

  • Green Basics

    Double-Stud Walls

    Extra Thick Walls Make Room for Lots of Insulation UPDATED November 1, 2013

  • Green Basics

    Comfort Comes With Green Building

    Mechanical Systems Play a Critical Role in Making a House Comfortable.

  • Green Basics

    Remodel Project: Addition

    An Addition Can Benefit the Whole House.

  • Green Basics

    Green Remodeling Guide

    Green Remodeling Is Different from Building New, but the Goals Are the SameIn fact, remodeling an existing house is inherently greener than building a new one.#Americans spend roughly $200 billion a year remodeling their homes. The scope of these projects varies from simply repainting a kitchen to gutting a house down to the studs. What all remodels have in common is that they are upgrading rather than replacing, rebuilding rather than building new. And from an energy resources point of view, remodeling a house, rather than building a brand new one with all new materials on a previously undeveloped site, is a green thing to do.What makes a remodel green? In a nutshell, it means seeking the same objectives with a remodel as we would in new construction: energy efficiency, resource conservation, and a healthy indoor environment. You get there the same way as new construction: planning and design. Begin with a home energy audit to see where the biggest greening opportunities are, and then look for ways to roll improvements into the scope of future remodeling plans.REMODELING PROJECTS:#Kitchen | Addition | Bathroom | Energy Retrofit | Basement | Gut Rehab | Home Office | Decks/Porches | Weatherization Four steps to green remodeling

  • Green Basics

    Integrated Design

    Integrated Design: Treating Designers, Builders, and Subcontractors as a Team

  • Green Basics

    Solar Heat

    Solar Collectors Can Heat Water and Living SpacesUPDATED 9/29/2011

  • Green Basics

    Stormwater: Rain Gardens and Drywells

    Temporary Water Storage Helps Recharge Aquifers and Reduce Water Pollution

  • Green Basics

    Cisterns and Rain Barrels

    A Rainwater-Collection System Saves Water for Dry Spells

  • Green Basics

    Concrete Block

    Concrete Block Walls: Low Tech and Durable