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Encyclopedia- Page 5 of 14

  • Green Basics

    Video: Jobsite Recycling

    Green Job Sites Have Less Waste And More Recycling Grinding leftover wood, drywall, and cement can be done right on the job site with a multi-use portable grinding machine. The wood chips and ruble can be used as erosion control (wood chips), soil amendment (ground dry wall), and road base (cement, asphalt shingles, and drywall).

  • Green Basics

    Video: Air Barrier Inspection

    Superinsulation Can't Work if the Windows Leak

  • Green Basics

    Video: Replacement Window in an Old Brick House (1 of 4)

    Inspect the condition of the existing window to decide if it is a good candidate for an insert replacement window. Any water damage or out-of-square conditions would tip the scales away from a tilt-in insert window and towards full window replacement and water management.

  • Green Basics

    Rigid Foam Insulation

    Versatile and Effective, Rigid Foam Can Be Used in Walls, Roofs, and Foundations UPDATED 8/9/2012

  • Green Basics

    Spray Foam Insulation: Open and Closed Cell

    Spray Foam Is the King of Insulations — Stellar Performance and a Price to Match UPDATED 4/11/2014

  • Green Basics

    Blown-In or Loose-Fill Insulation

    Fill the Whole Framing Cavity — Even Irregularly Shaped Ones

  • Green Basics

    Green Product Certifications

    Behind the Logos: Understanding Green Product Certifications

  • Green Basics

    Batt and Blanket Insulation

    Inexpensive and Easy to Handle, Batts are The Most Common Insulation UPDATED 8/21/2012

  • Green Basics

    Insulation Overview

    The Job of Insulation Is to Slow Heat Flow — UPDATED 11/16/2012

  • Green Basics

    Interior Fixtures and Finishes

    ABOUT FIXTURES AND INTERIOR FINISHES Because green building puts such a heavy influence on a tight building envelope, indoor air quality is directly affected by building materials and finishes used…