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Encyclopedia- Page 11 of 14

  • Green Basics

    Supply Ventilation

    Supply Ventilation Pressurizes the House

  • Green Basics

    Fans and Natural Cooling

    Breezes and Fans Can Keep You CoolUPDATED 5/30/2012

  • Green Basics

    Pier Foundations

    Piers Can Support Anything From a Deck to a House UPDATED 11/27/2012

  • Green Basics


    Full Basements Should Be Insulated and Protected From Water

  • Green Basics


    Crawlspaces: The Downsides of Basements With Few of the Benefits

  • Green Basics

    Slab Foundations

    UPDATED 11/15/2012 Slab-on-Grade Foundations Work Everywhere

  • Green Basics

    Steel Studs

    Steel Studs Require Exterior Insulation to Avoid Thermal Bridging

  • Green Basics

    Alternative Walls

    Alternatives to Standard Building Methods Offer Some Green Advantages

  • Green Basics

    Timber Frame

    For Timber-Frame Construction, Look for Reclaimed Materials

  • Green Basics

    Structural Insulated Panels

    SIPs Provide Structure, Insulation, and Sheathing in One Package