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Face Time with Dr. Joe


Face time with Dr. Joe Lstiburek

Dr. Joe wants to answer your questions.

There is a very limited number of seats (16) and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, so register now

Green Building Advisor is pleased to announce through a special partnership with Building Science Corporation, a one-day class on building science as it relates to Renovation and Rehabilitation open exclusively to GBA PRO members at a 10% discount.

This is a special event specifically for GBA PRO members. You can count on the GBA editors being present and we’ll have Dr. Joe all to ourselves.

The class will be on Wednesday, June 6.

Dr. Joe’s regular class price is $395, but GBA PRO members get in the door for $355! Spend the day learning about building science in Dr. Joe’s learning lab — his infamous barn which was recently featured in Fine Homebuilding.

AIA Continuing Ed credits are available for this class.

After class, enjoy pizza, beer, and conversation. Bring your questions and we will discuss them with Dr. Joe, your classmates and the GBA editors.

Price includes lunch and dinner (pizza and beer); accommodations or travel not included.

For a sample of the class, see the video we published a few months ago.


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  1. user-705006 | | #1

    Could you make this available
    Could you make this available in webinar format to your GBA Pro members - for those in the Midwest or West that don't have the time to travel?

  2. Daniel Morrison | | #2

    We are going to test

    We are going to test a live feed of this, but because it will be our first time trying it, we are reluctant to make it available or charge money for it.

    We will likely make selected video segments available to GBA Pro members sometime after the seminar.

    Thanks for asking,

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