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Green Building News

“Extreme Makeover” House Lands Silver Rating From NAHBGreen

Builder makes “Extreme” house in Philo, Illinois, his first designed for certification under NAHBGreen guidelines

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Hard hats, big hearts. Window installers and first-year student volunteers from Illinois Wesleyan University pitched in to build an energy efficient home, in Philo, Illinois. Not just any energy-efficient home, though: this one will be featured in an upcoming episode of ABC’s “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.”
Image Credit: Brady Homes / Illinois Wesleyan University
Hard hats, big hearts. Window installers and first-year student volunteers from Illinois Wesleyan University pitched in to build an energy efficient home, in Philo, Illinois. Not just any energy-efficient home, though: this one will be featured in an upcoming episode of ABC’s “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.”
Image Credit: Brady Homes / Illinois Wesleyan University

The Big Reveal on the 2,800-sq.-ft. home in Philo, Illinois — built for a family of six over about as many days — happened on August 25.

That event will be the capper of an upcoming episode of ABC’s “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.” (We heard October 25 might be the episode’s broadcast date.) Another, much-touted element of this “Makeover” project, though, has been the green-construction goal of the builder, Brady Homes, based in Bloomington.

The house earned both a Silver rating under the National Green Building Standard and a 5-star Energy Star Home Certification. NAHB’s environmental communications director, Calli Schmidt, noted that the certifier for this project was Energy Diagnostics, a Valparaiso, Indiana-based company that also certifies Energy Star ratings.

One of the time-saving features of the project was its use of panelized construction (with what appears to be Zip System sheathing). Also in the mix are low-flow faucets and toilets, Energy Star-rated appliances and windows, drought-resistant landscaping, and a ground-source heat pump whose system penetrates into the ground about 150 feet in eight locations.

“We thought this would be a great opportunity to build a green home and build awareness about the (certification) program,” Brady Homes’ president, Ed Brady, told the Urban-Champaign News Gazette. Although the company has long built to Energy Star standards, Brady added that this is the first home his company has built to an NAHBGreen standard.


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