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BuildingGreen‘s Relationships with Manufacturers

BuildingGreen is an independent company that provides a wide range of information on green building practices, products, and trends. We strive to structure our financial relationships and content partnerships to help us best achieve our mission of transforming the building industry, while maintaining the flexibility, rigor, independence, and objectivity on which our reputation is based.

To that end, BuildingGreen maintains rigorous separation between any benefit that we might receive from a company, either directly or indirectly, and our editorial coverage of that company. Manufacturers do not pay to be listed in either the print or online versions our GreenSpec Directory¯; we do not charge any evaluation fees, nor do we carry advertising on our website or in our monthly newsletter, Environmental Building News.

Our primary sources of financial support are the individuals, companies, and other entities that use our information resources. We sell books, subscriptions, and memberships to architecture firms, government organizations, construction companies, manufacturing companies, and others in the industry, as well as libraries, universities, and other educational institutions.

We also license articles and product information for distribution by others, and collaborate with them in producing other websites and publications. Some of these companies and organizations receive revenue directly from manufacturers, so we benefit indirectly from that revenue.

In addition, we perform writing, research, and information management work-for-hire for government agencies, non-profits, and foundations. Finally, we consult on a limited basis for investment companies and venture capital firms, helping them identify worthwhile products, technologies, and companies to invest in.

For more context, here is BuildingGreen‘s mission. You can also read about our various endeavors and relationships.


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