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Green Building News

Building Science Symposiums 2024

Industry leaders share critical information for anyone interested in deepening their building science knowledge

Fine Homebuilding magazine and Green Building Advisor are pleased to be the official media partners of the 2024 Building Science Symposium series. This event offers builders, designers, tradespeople, and suppliers the opportunity to learn about and discuss topics ranging from energy efficiency to building methods and assemblies. Get your ticket today to hear from industry leaders that include Steve Baczek, Dr. John Straube, Jake Bruton, Dr. Joe Lstiburek, and Ben Bogie, among others.

A portion of the proceeds from the 2024 Building Science Symposium ticket sales will go to the Fine Homebuilding #KeepCraftAlive Scholarship Fund.

Each year, the Building Science Symposium holds a new series in 4-6 different regions to bring the two full days of education and community engagement to new audiences. We hope you find a series in a region accessible to you so you can join us for some BS* (Building Science) + Beer.

Boston, MA 2024 Building Science Symposium: September 10 & 11, 2024

Boston Building Science Symposium – Day 1

9:00am – 9:20am Registration and Check-In; All

9:25am – 10:15am Why we Build: It’s all About Control; Steve Baczek

10:30am – 11:20am BS* Fundamentals: Energy Flow and Fluid Dynamics for Building Assemblies; John Straube

11:35am – 12:25pm BS* Fundamentals: Understanding the Control Layers (Water); Steve Baczek

12:25pm – 1:25pm Lunch; All attendees, sponsors and speakers

1:25pm – 2:15pm BS* Fundamentals: Understanding the Control Layers (Air); Jake Bruton

2:30pm – 3:20pm BS* Fundamentals: Understanding the Control Layers (Vapor & Thermal); Steve Baczek

3:35pm – 4:25pm Rainscreens: Fundamental Details for Enhanced Durability; John Straube

4:40pm – 5:30pm Exterior Insulation: How Much, What Type and Where; John Straube

5:30pm – 6:00pm Happy Hour, Networking & Dinner; All attendees, sponsors and speakers

6:00pm – 6:45pm Roundtable Discussion; Jake Bruton, Steve Baczek, John Straube, Ben Bogie, Joe Lstiburek

Boston Building Science Symposium – Day 2

8:55am – 9:00am Welcome Back; All

9:00am – 9:45am There’s no Free Thermodynamic Lunch; Joe Lstiburek

10:00am – 10:45am Electrify Everything! Lowering the Loads so the Grid can Sustain, and How; Ross Trethewey

11:00am – 11:45am Window Selection: Style, Orientation, Exposure, Performance and Function; Jake Bruton

11:45am – 12:45pm Lunch; All attendees, sponsors and speakers

12:45pm – 1:30pm Vented and Unvented Roof Assemblies; Joe Lstiburek

1:45pm – 2:30pm Source Control: Managing Exhaust and Fresh air Delivery; Ross Trethewey

2:45pm – 3:30pm Selling High Performance for Better Building Quality and Increased Profitability; Jake Bruton

3:45pm – 4:30pm The Effect of COVID and Carbon on Interior Conditions & Durability; Joe Lstiburek

4:30pm – 5:00pm Parting Happy Hour; All attendees, sponsors and speakers

Click here to download the full schedule of events for the Boston, MA Building Science Symposium.

building science symposium

Chicago, IL 2024 Building Science Symposium: October 8 & 9, 2024

Chicago Building Science Symposium – Day 1

9:00am – 9:20am Registration and Check-In; All

9:25am – 10:15am Why We Build: It’s all About Control; Steve Baczek

10:30am – 11:20am BS* Fundamentals: Energy Flow and Fluid Dynamics for Building Assemblies; John Straube

11:35am – 12:25pm BS* Fundamentals: Understanding the Control Layers (Water); Steve Baczek

12:25pm – 1:25pm Lunch; All attendees, sponsors and speakers

1:25pm – 2:15pm BS* Fundamentals: Understanding the Control Layers (Air); Jake Bruton

2:30pm – 3:20pm BS* Fundamentals: Understanding the Control Layers (Vapor & Thermal); Steve Baczek

3:35pm – 4:25pm Rainscreens: Fundamental Details for Enhanced Durability; John Straube

4:40pm – 5:30pm Exterior Insulation: How Much, What Type and Where; John Straube

5:30pm – 6:00pm Happy Hour, Networking & Dinner; All attendees, speakers and sponsors

6:00pm – 6:45pm Roundtable Discussion; Jake Bruton, Steve Baczek, John Straube, Ben Bogie, Joe Lstiburek

Chicago Building Science Symposium – Day 2

8:55am – 9:00am Welcome Back; All

9:00am – 9:45am There’s no Free Thermodynamic Lunch; Joe Lstiburek

10:00am – 10:45am Electrify Everything! Lowering the Loads so the Grid can Sustain, and How; Ross Trethewey

11:00am – 11:45am Window Selection: Style, Orientation, Exposure, Performance and Function; Jake Bruton

11:45am – 12:45 Lunch; All attendees, speakers and sponsors

12:45pm – 1:30pm Vented and Unvented Roof Assemblies; Joe Lstiburek

1:45pm – 2:30pm Source Control: Managing Exhaust and Fresh air Delivery; Ross Trethewey

2:45pm – 3:30pm Selling High Quality Performance for Better Building Quality and Increased Profitability; Jake Bruton

3:45pm – 4:30pm The Effect of COVID and Carbon on Interior Conditions & Durability; Joe Lstiburek

4:30pm – 5:00pm Parting Happy Hour; All attendees, speakers and sponsors.



  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1


  2. RomanJ | | #2

    It would be fantastic if these events could be livestreamed/recorded for those who live remote....any chance?

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