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Green Building News

Arizona Solar-Marketing Program Targets Realtors

The Arizona Solar Power Society has developed a program to teach real-estate agents to identify south-facing roofs as a first step in promoting sales of solar water heaters and photovoltaic systems.
Image Credit: Kingdafy

Solar-Equipment Dealers Offer Commissions to Realtors

PHOENIX, Ariz. — A solar-equipment trade group called the Arizona Solar Power Society (ASPS) has developed a program to transform real-estate agents into solar equipment salespeople.

ASPS President Robert Hoskins explained, “Many Realtors may not realize it, but they are uniquely qualified to sell energy-efficient upgrades and solar power systems to customers that are buying new or existing homes that have big rooftops facing south or west. The real-estate industry is in the perfect position to roll the cost of energy-efficient upgrades, solar power, or solar water heaters into a 30-year, 203-K mortgage — the same way they sell swimming pools.”

The Realtor Solar Scout Training Program teaches real-estate agents how to identify south-facing rooftops and encourages participation in door-hanger marketing programs that generate solar-equipment sales leads. The program arranges for real-estate agents to receive a signing fee and a 1% commission on sales of solar equipment.


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