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BS* + Beer

All About Air-to-Water Heat Pumps

Learn about the benefits of AWHP distribution systems and what makes water a good medium for moving heat energy

Image: TE2 Engineering

This episode of the BS* + Beer Show features Ross Trethewey advocating for air-to-water heat pumps (AWHP). Ross explains why he views water as the ideal medium for moving heat, and identifies the many benefits of packaged or monobloc heat pumps, including design flexibility, capacity for handling both heating and cooling as well as domestic hot water, higher coefficient of performance (COP) ratings, and environmental safety, among others.

Product rep Dave Hazel joins the show, too. He sees the HVAC industry trending more and more toward packaged units and predicts a boom in heat pump innovations in response to the transition away from refrigerants with high global warming potential. There’s discussion of the new A2L refrigerants being adopted and their compatibility with existing heat pumps. Other topics include adding AWHPs to older houses, reasons not to remove a boiler or furnace when installing an AWHP, the effects of air temperature on COP, and much more. Enjoy the show!


Ross Trethewey is the founder and lead engineer of TE2 Engineering, as well as the building engineer on This Old House. He is a licensed engineer in various states and earned both bachelor and Master of Science degrees in mechanical engineering from Tufts University. Follow Ross on LinkedIn, X (@RossTret) or Instagram at (@rosstretheweytoh)

Dave Hazel is the Northeast senior manager for business development at LG Air Conditioning with over 20 years of experience in the HVAC industry specializing in high performance heat pump applications and design. He educates and develops new construction builders, architects, developers, remodelers, weatherization firms and HVAC installation contractors along with the Passive House and building science communities. David holds BS and AS business degrees with a focus on high-quality building standards. He can be reached at [email protected].

The BS* + Beer Show schedule

The next show is on August 1 from 6-7 p.m. ET.

Use this link to register for The BS* + Beer Show


Kiley Jacques is senior editor at Green Building Advisor.

One Comment

  1. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #1

    In this post I laid out the reason why I believe air-to-water has fundamental advantages over other heat pump approaches:

    The summary is that air-to-water is fundamentally less expensive, and better at delivering comfort.

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