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Green Building News

A Free Online List of Questionable Chemicals

Perkins + Will Lists Chemicals to Avoid

From Environmental Building News

With over 1,000 design professionals and many high-profile green projects to its name, Perkins + Will is recognized as a leader in the green building industry. Now it is using that leadership position to influence the way designers think about chemicals in building materials with the launch of the Perkins + Will Precautionary List.

Available free online, the list assembles pertinent facts about chemicals that the firm wishes to avoid because of health and environmental concerns. Chemical names, health impacts, prevalence in building products, and regulatory actions worldwide are available for each chemical and organized alphabetically, by CSI division, by health effects, and by category (such as indoor air quality or ozone depletion).

Go to to view the list.


  1. Anna@Green Talk | | #1

    This is amazing. Thanks for
    This is amazing. Thanks for posting this website.

  2. Andrew Pace | | #2

    Instead of painting all VOC's with the same brush, why not list the individual VOC's that are actually harmful? Not all VOC's are toxins...not all toxins are VOC's. Peel the skin off an orange and smell all the VOC's in the air. Yes, orange oil is a VOC. But obviously, it isn't nearly as dangerous as ethylene glycol or others.

    The "alternative" recommendation from Perkins & Will is to use low or zero VOC paint and coatings. Does the author of this list know that most zero VOC formulations contain non-regulated VOC's and toxins such as ammonia, acetone and formadehyde precursors? Probably not.

    Its about time that these so-called experts learn about the real dangers out there. The only reason why VOC's are regulated is because of their propensity to create low-level smog. The Environmental Protection Agency, who created the VOC regulations, is not the Human Protection Agency. If they really wanted to do something productive, they would ban the use of all toxins in these products.

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