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BS* + Beer

4th Annual Halloween Special

The Green Police shoot from the hip answering questions from the Brew Crew and live audience about today's building products and practices

This episode of the BS* + Beer Show is the 4th Annual Halloween Special featuring Carl Seville and Michael Anschel, a.k.a. The Green Police. This year they field randomly pitched questions addressing topics such as the relationship between air leakage and vapor movement, “value elimination” (most notably of dehumidifiers), and highly effective but underused ventilated rainscreens. Travis challenges the “small but mighty” green-building law enforcers to identify some criminal offenses and punishments. Topping their list are poor insulation installations, spray foam in new construction—“an excuse for bad design”—bubble wrap on ducts, reverse lapping (which might lead to a house full of mushrooms), and oversized HVAC equipment. For more curmudgeonly conversation, watch the show!


Carl Seville is a sustainability consultant in the building industry sector. His firm, SK Collaborative, provides certification for multifamily projects—both new and rehabilitated—throughout the eastern United States under the National Green Building Standard, LEED, EarthCraft, Enterprise Green Communities, and Energy Star programs. A HERS rater, he holds the LEED AP Homes and Green Rater designations.

Michael Anschel is principal of OA Design + Build + Architecture, a company focused on size-appropriate living spaces and durable structures. Michael applies his hands-on experience and materials knowledge from his work in ceramic and metal sculpting—plus a background in art history and architecture—to his remodeling and renovation work.

The BS* + Beer Show schedule

The next show is on November 7 from 6-7 p.m. ET.

Use this link to register for The BS* + Beer Show


Kiley Jacques is senior editor at Green Building Advisor.


One Comment

  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    The Brew Crew, including me, found this show to be a lot of fun! Carl and Michael are always entertaining but they are also thought leaders and practitioners in the green building industry. We covered many topics but our goal was to assess how we have arrived at the current situation in the building world and what we need to do going forward.

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