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1889 Results
  • Question & Answers

    Garage wall insulation–detached garage

    Golly there's a lot written about attached garages, but so little about detached garages!  Current project description:  24'x24' 2-car detached garage, 10 ft. ceiling, 2x6 24' o/c framing, Zone 7,…

  • Question & Answers

    Garage overhang

    I am building a 30 ft overhang with a metal roof over garage door and side door. I am using a 2x6s to secure bottom ledger into the header of…

  • Question & Answers

    Garage siding

    I have a non attached garage with the existing siding heavily coming apart on one side. As I dont have the funds to replace the siding at the moment, what…

  • Question & Answers

    Garage airtight?

    I have completed my passive solar house, for the most part, thanks to the team and advisors on this site! I am now building an attached garage on the north…

  • Question & Answers

    Garage insulation

    I am about to insulate a detached garage in climate zone 7. The homeowner wants it to be insulated on the main level as well as the attic level (roof…

  • Question & Answers

    Garage venting

    I have a 10" vent attached to a 700 cfm ventilation motor pushing air outside from my garage thru a 8" exhaust line. My question is, do I need a…

  • Question & Answers

    Cooling a garage

    My garage is about 800 sq ft with 12 ft ceiling. I have my workshop in the garage. I want to make it more comfortable on hot days. The POA…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating a Garage

    We are building in CT climate zone 5 and are trying to decide whether to insulate the garage. We plan to install a trench drain to manage moisture from rain…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating a garage

    I am seriously considering converting my garage into a workshop that I want to use year round. It is cement block construction and I would like recommendations on insulating the…

  • Question & Answers

    Garage on a slope

    We are building on a steep slope in the mountains of NC. The house is long and thin out of necessity, with the garage on one end. One issue I…