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1611 Results
  • Question & Answers

    Window flashing

    Hi everyone , i wrote 2 weeks ago regarding a question a had about te way you guys sheaths your house with ply . I got a very satisfactory answer…

  • Question & Answers

    Window flashing

    I'm trying to figure out best method to flash my outie windows in my new build. The build is 2x4 frame, 1/2" sheathing, with 6" exterior foam, house wrap, furring strips,…

  • Question & Answers

    Window flashing

    What is window flashing detail for board and batten?2x6 stud/plywood sheathing/tyvek/1” exp foam/3/4 furring strip/smartside vertical B&B siding. Should  I will fasten vinyl window flange to wood frame in plane…

  • Question & Answers

    Flashing details

    I understand the advantages of using "outsulation" (rigid insulation on the outside) I am still having trouble finding satisfactory details. Especially concerning Window head details used with siding. I went…

  • Question & Answers

    Door flashing

    Need to know if these pics tell a good or bad story. thanks

  • Question & Answers

    Flash and Batt

    Hello, I have been reading so much about flash and batt lately I am second guessing my original plan to insulate a home we are building. We had anticipated dense…

  • Question & Answers

    Door flashing

    Hello,Is there a common detail for trimming below the sill of an exterior door when using a manufactured sill pan? I’m planning on using Sure sill sloped sill pan on…

  • Question & Answers

    Parapet Flashing

    Hello everyone,So, I am about to install some new parapet flashing in a new personal retrofit project. The contractor has suggested a specific model. However, I find the drip edge to…

  • Question & Answers

    Flash and batt

    Hi, I have been reading on the site about flash and batt but don't think I am "getting it". I live in south central Kentucky ( zone 4A) and have…

  • Question & Answers

    Flash and batt

    Is there any concern if using flash and batt method of using faced batts vs unfaced batts?