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255 Results
  • Question & Answers

    Will fireblocking over balloon framing stop airflow and promote rot?

    Conditions:  Balloon framed construction, house built in 1930, Southern Connecticut region Does installing a fire-stop or Fireblocking where the sill plate and rim joist meet, block airflow and promote rot…

  • Question & Answers

    Ask This Old House

    I was watching Ask This Old House. They were helping a homeowner with a 2 story home in a warm climate- furnace was in garage. It did have a furnace/ac.…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating Platform Framing Inside Balloon Framing

    Hello everyone, thank you for taking time to read and answer my post 🫠 My 125 year old 2x4 balloon frame house was stripped to studs, sheeted with OSB on…

  • Question & Answers

    Balloon Framing Questions

    Hello all, I've been reading up quite a bit on balloon framing here and elsewhere to help improve my house, built around 1900. Now that it's 9 degrees F outside…

  • Question & Answers

    Calculating headers in a tall balloon frame wall

    Hi all,I’ve heard that header sizes are calculated differently in a balloon frame wall vs a platform wall, but I can’t find anything in the IBC to back that up.…

  • Question & Answers

    Balloon framing insulation

    Redoing a 20'sone story house with balloon framing. No wrb or even tar paper behind the wood clapboards. no excessive damage to outer boards. I would like to  insulate the…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating balloon walls

    High I am renovating a 1927 Dutch colonial with balloon wall construction. Th attic is finished but will be taken down to exposed walls and rafters. The exterior will be…

  • Question & Answers

    Balloon vs platform?

    I'm considering installing a let-in ribbon board half way up a 18' tall 2x8 wall for second story floor joists above a garage. Long story, but I cant use platform…

  • Question & Answers

    Adding insulation to an old balloon-frame house

    I currently have my old plaster walls down in the midst of a kitchen renovation and was planning on installing batt insulation (roxul or fiberglass) into the open exterior walls.…

  • Question & Answers

    Unknown siding material/insulation

    Hey everyone, Brady here. I am remodeling an old balloon framed home in North Texas and I have a question regarding the current siding material/weather barrier. A little background on…