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1430 Results
  • Question & Answers

    Forced air is forced air … isn’t it?

    All this talk about ductless minisplits is making me dizzy. If a forced air furnace gives a bad atmosphere in a building, doesn't a minisplit per room just give many…

  • Question & Answers

    Minisplit layout

    Hello - I've recently received several quotes for updating our old gas boiler to minisplits or heat pumps for heating and cooling. I've had quotes range from ductless and ducted…

  • Question & Answers

    Ductless minisplits

    I really like the idea of using ductless mini-splits in our new home for heating and cooling. Before I get too excited and start getting quotes, I was hoping for…

  • Question & Answers

    Minisplit duct in unconditioned space

    Building a home in zone 5. The ductless minisplit installers ran the refrigerant lines through the unconditioned attic; presumably because this was easiest. Should I be concerned about the energy…

  • Question & Answers

    Mitsubishi or Daikin minisplit ductless?

    I am building a new construction house and will be installing a ductless minisplit system for heating and cooling. I have chosen this route because I want ductless and for…

  • Question & Answers

    Packaged terminal heat pumps

    I hear lots of talk about ductless minisplits but not much about packaged terminal heat pumps. Why not?

  • Question & Answers

    Need help sizing a ductless minisplit

    Sizing a ductless Minisplit for a 600 square foot studio building. It will be divided in half, so we will have an equal dual zone Minisplit. We live in up-state…

  • Question & Answers

    Minisplit retrofit in Climate Zone 2

    I'm trying to figure out how to use a minisplit system on a retrofit project. I got a quote from an HVAC company (recommended by the equipment rep), but some…

  • Question & Answers

    Cold weather performance reports from minisplit owners

    This morning I drove to town for a dentist appointment, and the digital outdoor thermometer on my Subaru bottomed out at -28°F as I drove through Lyndonville, Vermont. During the…

  • Question & Answers

    Is using phase change insulation with ductless minisplits the perfect marriage?

    I'm interested in using phase change material with a ductless minisplit heatpump - they seem like the perfect combination. (Also, the phase-change insulation discussion on this site are pushing a…