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96 Results
  • Green Basics

    Water Heating

    UPDATED 04/05/2012Tank or Tankless: Reduce the Load to Lower Water Heating Costs

  • Green Basics

    Hot-Water Circulation

    Reduce the Waiting Time for Hot Water

  • Green Basics

    Green Heating Options

    Green Heating Systems Can Heat the House and Its Water

  • Green Basics

    Stump the Energy Nerd 2014, Part 2

    On Day 2 of NESEA's Building Energy 14 conference, Martin Holladay returned to the trade show stage for a second round of Stump the Energy Nerd

  • Green Basics

    Heat Distribution

    Forced Air and Hydronic: Ducts, Pipes, and Tubes Should Be Short and Leak-free

  • Green Basics

    Efficient Plumbing Supply Layouts

    Home-run Layouts from a Manifold Have a Few Advantages

  • Green Basics

    Remodel Project: Weatherization

    Air sealing, insulation improvements, and equipment upgrades save energy dollars

  • Green Basics

    Green Plumbing Systems Save Water and Energy

    Design the Plumbing System to Save Water and Energy

  • Green Basics

    Space Heaters

    A Space Heater Can Be the Sole Source of Heat in a Small, Well-Insulated House

  • Green Basics

    Video: New Passivhaus Products

    Katrin Klingenberg, founder of the Passive House Institute U.S., tours the trade-show floor at the BuildingEnergy 14 conference, pointing out her favorite windows, heat pumps, diagnostic tools, and more